Hi All 👋🏻 Positive Birth Experience!
My lovely MCDA ladies arrived on the 5th April at 5:23 and 5:30 am, 38+2 via vaginal birth, after lengthy discussions with my obstetricians I finally agreed to a sweep at 38+1.
I had a very gentle vaginal exam and while doing so my water's accidentally broke.
My husband went to pick up my bag and I was admitted at roughly 1pm to the labour ward.
Was given lots of time for things to come on spontaneously, I.e bouncing on the ball and lots of movement however I had an induction via drip and epidural line fitted just in case at roughly 10pm that evening and was very comfortable contracting without knowing due to the epidural, the girls had monitors which was slightly annoying and restrictive but reassuring also.
The delivery team came back into check at 1am and it turns out my waters weren't broken completely so they broke them completely and things really started to ramp up into active labour from 3:30am.
The girls were born 5:23 and 5:30am, my perineum was supported and gave birth without any injuries vaginally. So happy to have reached 38 weeks but thankfully I had a very healthy pregnancy, both cephalic, No diabetes or preeclampsia and gave birth over two years ago at home with zero complications or interventions to my toddler.
Girls weighing a healthy 6lbs 4oz and 5lb 3oz, discharged from hospital after 3 nights, all the staff at Royal London Whitechapel were so nice!
Thanks Sarah for all you did for me during my pregnancy and the symposium and all your support.
Only because I was so empowered do I think that's why they listened or respected me more at Royal London.
Note from Sarah. Valerie is one of the faves in the twin club. Such an amazing Irish woman who speaks in whispers, which I admire greatly seeing as I speak much like a fishwife.
Thank you Valerie for you you are and your for your support.
Finally it would me remiss of me us allow the absolute champ that is Valarie's wife go without a mention. A who dutifully sprung into action like any amazing Albanian mother in law does when babies are born.
Something British culture really could do with.