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Virtual Doula Plan

Sign up to the Virtual For Doula Doula package here. Choose between the 4 month or 6 month payment plan. Any questions? Please contact Sarah.

Virtual Doula 4 month plan



Every month

Payment plan over 4 months

Valid for 4 months

3 x 2 hour birth prep sessions

Comprehensive Birth Plan Creation

24 hour text and email support for 4 weeks around your EDD

Remote support for labour and birth

Postnatal Birth debrief via Zoom

Text and email support for 6 weeks postnatal

Virtual Doula 6 month plan



Every month

+£10 Set up

Payment plan over 6 months

Valid for 6 months

3 x 2 hour birth prep sessions

Comprehensive Birth Plan Creation

24 hour text and email support for 4 weeks around your EDD

Remote support for labour and birth

Postnatal Birth debrief via Zoom

Text and email support for 6 weeks postnatal

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